I hope to see you all this Thanksgiving weekend at the "Gifted" pop-up shop in the old Tower Video space at Lafayette and Fourth St. NYC.
I am only doing the first weekend (Nov. 27, 28, 29) and that is probably my last big show before Christmas unless I get a second wind and book into an indoor weekend market.
I have lots of things I wouldn't mind seeing under my own tree this year, and will try to post some pics before I leave.
I also have a small selection of "craft" items and goodies made by some of my local neighbors. Mostly ladies in their 70's and 80's.
Let's say "Grannie made it" - would describe the overall look and feel.
I'll have a range of hand mades from "felt and bakelight button decorated purses" to Rice Krispie Xmas trees dipped in home made chocolate. yummy.
I love doing the fleas - but honestly it is hard work - and too cold.
I am going to be posting a lot more stuff on http://www.etsy.com/shop/tincantrader before Christmas and over the winter.
My shop there is called "tincantrader".
I pretty much sold out everything I had listed - so I am going to add more items.
Check it out!!! But give me a week or so to get more things listed.
I'll also try to post here more often - as you've noticed - I am not a 24/7 blogger.